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How to Protect Your Vibe?!

  When We Choose To Raise Our Vibe, We Don’t Just Change Ourselves… Instead, We Open Up An Entirely New World Of Possibility!! It’s Time To Take Back Your Power, Raise Your Vibe, And Create More Of A Life You Love From The Inside Out.  Do you find yourself in a bad mood? Not of your own making but, one that you acquired because your friends talked to you about what was bothering them? Do you get tired from interacting with other humans often? Does that sometimes mess with your vibe? If your answer is yes to all of these questions you might be an empath.  People can be emotionally draining, this specific type of person is called an  Emotional Vampire . Their  MO  is to always grab the attention, they always behave like they are in the midst of a crisis. They need constant validation and lack basic self-awareness. You need to spot these signs early because your saviour syndrome may kick in and you might become their agony aunt. Now, this will in turn result in a co-dependent and extreme
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